Friday, July 9, 2010

Good verses Evil

The old story yet it is and will always be true. There is an evil that lurks in our society that could take over; if our government ever lets its guard down. It is called the American Taliban. Sleepers some say that are silently growing within our borders. We find we have spies from the Soviet Union here and are being traded for our own alleged spies over there. This is normally something we as citizens have never seen put out in public. The last two years seems to be quite an experience for everyone as the Obama presidency keeps showering us with more of the same. That is nothing he does is his fault; George Bush is the blame. We have more jobs lost; unemployment in the last two years has risen more than any other presidency in years. Medicare or is it Obama care and the poor economy still hasn’t improved. This must still be George Bushes fault; he must be still running this country from Crawford Texas. I wonder if George is getting paid to be Obama’s excuse towel. Yes there is evil and it hides behind others using the blame game trying to convince this country they haven’t had enough yet. Well as with all things time will tell all. If Obama gets re-elected; it wouldn’t surprise me a bit. It surprised me the first time and God knows we needed change. The change we got wasn’t necessarily what we Americans intended to get. Maybe we can make history again if the office of presidency needs to be used for that purpose. They are a lot of ethnic men and women who are Americans and I for one would gladly vote for them if they were qualified. All they need to do is to convince us they are going to make change and are very eloquent in their demeanor. It doesn’t seem there is a need for them to be also qualified for the job. All of us that would ever believe this should never be able to vote. Why is it we sometimes say we have to vote for the lesser evil? We always should vote for the most qualified person no mater what their race or sex may be; if it makes the history books that’s fine. I just hope in future years when my life has run its course; when people read about America it will still have the freedoms we now enjoy. If those who make it to be chosen for the most important job in the world; we should make sure both of them are “good” and “qualified”. I’ll miss my guess if we would allow six more years of the same; when two more years it could be over. We are not looking for more excuses for the problems we face; we are looking for someone to fix them and not blame others for their own failures. Obama was right saying Bush left things in a mess. Well at least Bush tried to do whatever he could to prosecute those who were responsible for killing our citizens. Sadly there are those who seem not to remember September 11, 2001. I am for one thankful we had a man like President Bush in office to take charge. He stood his ground and tried to carry out our wishes; knowing we wanted those who were responsible to be put to death. He rightfully declared war and made it plain to the world if they harbored anyone who was responsible they too would be dwelt with. He had done exactly what he said he would do. Hind site being 20-20 there may be things he could have done different. History has it all recorded. I feel George W. Bush may well be found by historians; to be one of America’s finest presidents.

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