Monday, June 21, 2010

When does it end?

In today’s society there is a lot of needless pressure put on those who are obese. There is no doubt that being obese can be fatal. It can lead to one becoming a diabetic or give them heart disease. However the people who are this way already know what could happen to them because of this. I for one am worried. There is no need for people to continually make them aware of their condition just because they feel there is a need for them to have a certain attitude for those who are over weight. There are lots of plans out there that can help an obese person if they have money to burn trying to find the right programs that works or the food plan that doesn’t cost an arm and leg to get the weight off. Every one wants to down grade the overweight people but no one will offer to help unless there is a huge profit in it for them. Someone who finds a way to get the fat off a person quickly will smile ear to ear because they know there are those out there who are desperate to try anything to get a quick fix to their problem. They want the pounds to go away in a hurry but find it comes back quicker then it went away. Some doctors will say if there was a pill to get the weight off and keep it off everyone would be taking them and there would be no need for a diet or exercise. Let’s face it; there are those who aren’t able to exercise and no matter what they eat it seems to turns to fat? Not every has a dietician to cook for them and the only thing they can cook is comfort foods. The average cost per month to lose weight on a diet program where the food is furnished cost over three hundred dollars a month. How can someone on a fixed income afford that or someone working for minimum wages? Most who are disabled receive less than seven hundred dollars a month on disability and are supposed to be able to live off it and are expected to even pay co-payments on there Medicare for their doctor visits and medicine that is prescribed to them. Those who work for minimum wage can’t afford any kind of insurance and they are told they make to much money to get medical help from welfare. Now if they are over weight and need help getting the weight off Medicare won’t cover any portion of a program that will help them loose the weight. It would seem it would cost them less in the long run if they did because of what obesity does to an individual. Who is it that works for minimum wage that can afford the cost of a diet program? Why is it you never see a poor person who advertises for a weight loss program? It is the same way with smokers or those who use smokeless tobacco it wasn’t expensive for them to get hooked on nicotine but the cost for an individual to get rid of their habit can cost someone nearly four hundred dollars to quit, that is if they can find a product that will work for them; sometimes it may cost triple the amount if they have to keep trying different programs after they find a certain product just wouldn’t work for them. Yes it is easy to say no one forced them to start the bad habits. Well none of us has ever made a mistake before; right! What is sad there are a lot more out there that hope they continue in these habits it gets more revenue for the government; there is nothing in this life that the government doesn’t make money off of. If there is; I for one don’t know what it is. When does it stop? That’s simple, it doesn’t.

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