Thursday, July 1, 2010


Have you ever thought just getting out of bed could be a challenge? Try getting up any nineteen year old boys who decide life isn’t worth facing until the afternoon. Now there is an exception to the rule if they really want to do something they think requires getting up for. Things you can rule out is; a parent asking them to get up or they need to get up to go to work. These two things aren’t very high on their agenda.
No sir; one can never know what their agenda is since they don’t want you to know until their ready to walk out the door. What they say and what they really do maybe questionable.
You see; at this age the Indians had words to describe it. It was called, “speaking with forked tongue”. That doesn’t mean they necessarily lied; they just lacked to inform you what their agenda was.
Now some parents may not ever have this problem with their children or at least that’s their story. They mostly likely will stick to it. Life can give a person a lot of challenges and raising children is probably on top of the list.
Well maybe it comes in second to the top of the list. Figuring out a woman has to be number one and I have never met a man who has ever accomplished this challenge.

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